Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Life has been crazy lately. I think that is just going to be the new one for a while at least. So much has been going on this summer. We've been going to the lake and park a lot and taking lots of walks. The kids love it just as much as mommy does which is great. I most definitely have very active kids which is better than lazy i guess.
Kayla has conquered the monkey bars and learned how to swing all by herself. I didn't even help her she just decided one day that she was going to do it and she called me. Mommy look at me. It was so cute! I can't believe my baby is going to be 4 in a couple weeks. Crazy!

Micah went back to the doctor last week because he is still just so cranky and saying is head hurts. They wanted to do a CT Scan but they didn't want to give him a sedative so of course we didn't get it done. He wanted nothing to do with it. We put him on some Allergy medicine and that seems to help some. He is also getting 2 molars too though so that doesn't help. Poor little man.

And Malakai is growing so fast. He is now a little over 3 months. He is rolling over to his tummy now. And he is always smiling. I love it. I love being a mommy to my 3 amazing kids. God has truly blessed us. The are great and fun kids. Ornery but great!

Ashley and I have started our own little business selling Diaper Cakes. That has been very fun. We are almost done getting them together and then we are going to sell them online and try farmers market too. Just something to do that fun.

Well thats all for now i will have to write more later.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wow i can't believe how fast this month flew by. Its been crazy. Being a mommy of 3 and having 2 extra kids keeps me super busy. But i'm lovin it. Ashley and I are starting weigh down again and working out every night. Which is nice it gives me some mommy time. I feel disconnected from my old life. 1 more kids seems to keep me twice as busy. I can't wait till things get back to normal and i can hang out with our friends and get back to our church family more.
Anyways Malakai has gained 4 lbs already and one monday he will be 8 weeks already craziness. Daddy is recouping from surgery so that gives me one more person to wait on theses days. LOL but its all good. He takes care of us all the time its good give back to him.
Zach is still waiting to hear back about his interview. We just wait and pray for now. I hope it happens soon but in the mean time he is doing the job and we got a nice surprise he is getting paid for the job. YAY.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Today was my first day back to work and it is going awesome! I can't believe that it has already been 4 weeks since Malakai was born. The girls have all been awesome and i'm getting back into the routine. We made it through the 3 day weekend with out daddy barely but we did :) The kids missed him so much. So did mommy.
We went to Madison's 3rd Birthday party and Micah rode a pony which he is still talking about. It was very cute! Kayla has been testing me like crazy. If anyone has any tips on 4 year old attitude i would love it. I hope this is a short phase she is driving me crazy. And Malakai is such an awesome baby. Still very gassy though but he doesn't cry like kayla use to.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Well we are on our second day with daddy back at work and its going good. I'm very busy but that is a good thing. We had to have a little bit of correction yesterday with the 2 older ones testing mommy but today they have been awesome. We started preschool back up today which is going good. And Malakai is a dream. He only wakes up once a night and is so easy going. God has truly blessed us. He is such a joy. I love just snuggling with him. As does Kayla :)
This week is very busy for us we have Micah's Birthday tomorrow. Dr. Appt for both the boys, Micah's B-day party, and then pictures on friday. Whew all with keeping the house clean, cooking, preschool, and life. LOL I will keep you all posted.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is my first time blogging. Kind of excited. So i'm enjoying being a mommy of 3. They have been so amazing. Kayla loves her new baby brother so much. She hardly lets me hold him. She says its her baby. And Micah loves his new brother too. I'm off for a whole month and I'm loving it so very much. Malakai is an awesome baby. So easy going as long as mommy doesn't eat gassy food that is. He is already on a sch and doing great with it. Zach has to go back to work in a couple days i can't believe how 2 weeks has flown by. Kind of sad we have had a great time together seems like when he works we don't see much of each other.